Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Washing it all Down

There doesn't seem to be a person alive on this planet that doesn't drink with their food. Every single restaurant I have ever been to in my life where there is a waiter or waitress will ask what you want to drink with your meal.

Even in a restaurant that serves only salads they will ask what you want to drink with your food. Why would someone want to wash down their food? We have a very sensitive digestive system and it needs to have lubrication and liquid in order to function properly.

Nature has created the best foods for our digestive system that are extremely easy for us to digest. These foods digest as they are right off of the plant that they grow on. These are fruits at their peak ripeness.

Nearly every ripe fruit contains enough natural water in it to help digest the fruit. It also contains the necessary nutrients that each and every cell of our body needs which is sugar. The sugar in fruit is easy to assimilate and is most often already in the state that our body needs it. There is no processing needed to use the sugar.

There is also fiber attached to the sugar so that it is absorbed slowly into the bloodstream and the fiber also helps with the elimination of waste as it sweeps through the bowels.

If one takes a liquid with their food the liquid will dilute the important digestive juices in the digestive system and the food will not digest properly and it will be dumped into the intestines without being in the state it needs to be in.

This leads to many problems such as leaky gut, indigestion, malabsorbtion, cancer, Crohn's, IBS, colitis, and a long list of other diseases. Some of the liquids by themselves are toxic.

Alcohol of course is poison but so are all of the sodas which are made with processed and nutrient void sugars. Juices are not any better than soda because most also contain the same sugars and even the ones that do not, have been stripped of their fiber and most have been pasteurized which destroys most nutrients and adds unknown chemicals that were created in the chemical reactions with the air when the drink was heated.

If people stick to a whole food and raw, ripe and low fat diet there is absolutely no need to consume any beverage with your meal. If you feel you need to drink a little something when eating your food in transition you could sip on a small amount of water at room temperature. Do not use more than a couple of ounces while eating because more than this will dilute the digestive juices and ruin the excellent nutrient profile of the food.

The foods that most people eat are so poor in nutrient quality that washing it down with some liquid probably is not such a bad idea as the food's nutrient profile is so poor that their body has little to gain from it anyways. Still the chance of having a good digestion are slim when eating and drinking at the same time. It's better to drink at least one hour before eating anything and then wait at least two hours after eating to drink again.

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